Chicony is one of the worldwide leading Switching Power supply providers. We offer the competitive cost , reliable design and best in class supply for our customers.
Chicony is one of the worldwide leading Switching Power supply providers. We offer the competitive cost , reliable design and best in class supply for our customers.
Chicony Power is the world leading power supply manufacture, we offer comprehensive simulation, validation and design service to our customers.
詳細資訊+群光電能為電源領導領導品牌之一, 在伺服器, 雲端應用,資料中心, 儲存器及通訊產品的電源產品應用, 於設計及製造上皆能提供完整且可信賴的解決方案, 以具有成本, 品質優勢及先進技術的產品, 來協助 OEM, 系統整合廠商及終端客戶, 能達到及時滿足市場的需求。 群電的產品涵跨伺服器入門級的450W到數千瓦的需求, 藉由在硬體及韌體模組化的設計, 即使因應不同尺寸的要求, 仍能縮短產品開發時間並符合SSI的規範要求。